Graduates from Chile receive grants to carry out research for a doctoral degree in Germany.
Who can apply?
Chilean graduates, academics and professionals.
What can be funded?
Doctoral studies at a German university and, where appropriate, in conjunction with a non-university research Institution.
Duration of the funding
Up to 48 months Grants are awarded for one year respectively. Applications must be submitted for an extension and these are reviewed by the DAAD selection committee.
Co-funded by ANID and DAAD
Language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the study visit; the DAAD and ANID decides whether to fund participation and for how long (s. Document "Bases del Concurso")
Pocket money during intensive German course (ANID)
Costs for outward and return travel (ANID)
Monthly scholarship payments up to the maximum amount determined by ANID
Monthly increase of the scholarship by 100 € (DAAD)
Monthly allowance for accompanying spouse and children (ANID/DAAD)
Medical, accident and personal liability insurance, if applicable also for accompanying dependants (DAAD)
If applicable, cost of German language course for accompanying spouse (DAAD)
Initial allowance for the start in Germany and return to Chile (ANID)
Contribution towards the costs of printing Thesis in Germany (DAAD)
If applicable, flat rate for an intermediate travel to Chile (DAAD)
The most important selection criteria are:
Academic achievements
Quality of doctoral Project
Language skills
If applicable professional experience
Candidates are preselected by a committee of Chilean and German scientists and academics. The final selection is made by both parties according to the agreement.
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